Monday, October 10, 2011


The importance of enhancing vocabulary and its vital role in reading comprehension was the primary discussion in this week's readings. What stuck out the most to me was the idea that the development of reading comprehension is as dependent on a strong base of oral language and concept development (a.k.a vocabulary), as a house is dependent on a strong foundation for structural support. As stated in the readings, vocabulary is an important factor that is often not focused on enough. I think as teachers we need to remember this idea that vocabulary plays an important part in laying the foundation for developing strong skills in reading comprehension
A "Word Wall" is a great way to identify and discuss new/unfamiliar vocabulary in the classroom!


  1. I completely agree with you when you say a child's vocabulary is the strongest foundation. If children do not have a wide range of vocabulary and are not able to comprehend words they will have a hard time learning how to read.

  2. The word walls stuck out for me most from the readings too! I think they are such a great way to enhance the children's vocab in a fun way!

  3. Vocabulary is a huge part of reading. I really liked your house metaphor. It puts vocab in a great perspective of its importance.

  4. What a great metaphor! The readings made such an emphasis on surrounding children with vocabulary in the classroom - wordwalls are such a great way to do that! Even as students grow older, you can definitely make creative word walls with more complex words.
