Thursday, September 8, 2011

Emergent Literacy Readings

This week’s readings focused on the importance of positive early exposure to print in childhood. Something that stuck out to me in one of the readings was the idea that there is no one teaching method or strategy that is the most effective for all children. The children that make up our classrooms today are very diverse and a successful teacher will use a variety of teaching strategies to reach each student in her classroom. Children are exposed to literacy before they even come to kindergarten. Building off of what they already know is a good way to get them excited about learning what they don't know. 
This is a great way of using what young students already know about and incorporating it in to learning in their classroom library!


  1. I really enjoyed your post. I especially liked your line "Building off of what they already know is a good way to get them excited about learning what they don't know." I think this very important because I feel it will help build confidence, especially in those who do not see themselves as strong readers or not able to read at all.

  2. Lindsey, I loved this post! So often I feel that teachers are looking for "the one right way" to teach reading- but that is impossible! We have to have a variety of teaching strategies to use because every child is different!

  3. I am glad you commented on the rise in diversity in the classroom. That is something many teachers skim over when planning how to find the perfect method for teaching. It is important we remain aware of the diversity of our learners.
